Friday, May 23, 2008

The Joint Canadian Tanning Association Lauches

From the website: "This is our association’s first annual campaign designed to increase awareness of responsible sun exposure and vitamin D production. It is our goal to educate the public in how to achieve a balance between sunburn avoidance and vitamin D production.

Each year we will encourage Canadians to have their vitamin D levels checked to ensure they are maintaining healthy levels. The Canadian Cancer Society recommends taking 1000 international units per day. A typical indoor tanning session in a tanning bed emitting UVB will produce up to 10,000 IUs.

Our Vision

Sun exposure, like air, water, and food, is natural and necessary to human life. The JCTA’s vision is that all Canadians learn to correctly embrace ultraviolet and sunshine as part of a healthy lifestyle – one which acknowledges that moderate ultraviolet light exposure, when experienced in a non-burning fashion, is the smartest way to maximize the potential benefits of UV light while minimizing the manageable potential risks associated with either too much or too little sunlight." Click here to visit.

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