Monday, August 3, 2009

"Maximize the benefits while minimizing the risk..."

Report slammed
Sat, August 1, 2009


The head of Calgary-based Fabutan is slamming an international report released this week that labels tanning beds as a definite cause of cancer alongside tobacco.

Fabutan president Doug McNabb said comparing tanning beds to tobacco and mustard gas is "over the top." "To me, that means the advice is that we should never, ever go outside and get unprotected sunlight and I think that's a very dangerous message -- it contributes to vitamin D deficiency," he said. "The bottom line is we think there is an intelligent way to use moderation and UV light."

McNabb said it's unlikely the report condemning tanning beds will prompt his clients to abandon their quest for bronzed summer skin.

"We like to say there's such a thing as smart tanning -- maximizing the benefits while minimizing the risks," he said.

"We make sure they avoid overexposure (and) we skin type every customer so we aware of how much exposure they should receive."


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